Enrichment, Differentiation and Gifted Education (EDGE)

Students learn at different rates and in different styles. In recognition of this, Collegiate has developed the Enrichment, Differentiation and Gifted Education (EDGE) program. It assists students to help reach their potential, be they in need of learning support, course extension, or alternative learning programs.

Learning support focuses on improving basic literacy and numeracy skills that complement the regular classroom curriculum, while highly able students are extended through differentiated learning activities and enrichment opportunities focusing on individual student needs, including an early entry policy.

The EDGE program supports the School’s aim of providing for the full range of a student’s needs to benefit them, the broader school community and their opportunities for the future.


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Ethics and Philosophy Short course

Our Ethics and Philosophy Short course revisited the concept of The Good Life with particular focus on Buddhism and Virtue Ethics. The students engaged in rich discussion, engaging with unfamiliar world views, questioning assumptions and wrestling with ethical dilemmas through a range of different lenses. Mr Simon Bennett did an outstanding job at leading the days discussion.